Tarot Card Course West Bengal

If you are searching Tarot Card Course West Bengal call Now 8929054563 we provide astrology service like business problem, court case problem, health problem, divorce problem, business problem, seaside problem, marriage astrology problem, business problem etc then contact Acharya Dimple and book online and Offline Appointment.

Our Astrology Course

Tarot Card Course

Tarot cards are made up of pictures and outlines. These cards have pictures on both sides In a tarot card reading, the cards are laid out in a specific pattern, called a spread.In tarot card reading, every pattern of cards has a different meaning .In a tarot card reading, the cards provide signals from God and intuition.Tarot card reading, horoscope, astrology, horoscope, astrology, etc. all give only one information, that is the prediction of your life.  

Reiki Healing Course

 ‘Rei’ means universal and ‘Ki’ means vital life force energy.Reiki uses gentle touch and space.Through Reiki, harmony is established between body, mind and spirit.Reiki balances mental emotions and relieves physical stress, anxiety, and pain.A Reiki treatment session lasts 60 to 90 minutes.Reiki training is given in a two day camp.Reiki is also used by martial arts experts.  

Lal Kitab Course

According to Lal Kitab, predictions can be made about the horoscope of any person or thing.Lal Kitab tells about nine planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu.According to Lal Kitab, planets affect a person’s body, environment and Vaastu.Lal Kitab also tells about charity and what kind of charity can prove beneficial for people.Lal Kitab was originally written in Urdu and Persian languages. According to Pandit Shri Rameshwar Dutt Gautam, it was written by Pandit Roop Chand Joshi between 1939 and 1952

Palm Reading Course

The lines and marks on the palm reveal many things about a person.Predictions about a person’s past and future can be made through the lines and marks present on his palm. There are many such symbols on the palm, which indicate many special things about the person.Having a trident mark on the palm is considered very lucky.Having the symbol of a fish is considered auspicious etc.  

Acharya Dimple Contact us : 8929054563

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